OTIDIA laxa.
Loose-panicled Olidia.
O. laxa, umbellis multifloris laxe paniculatis, foliis
pinnatis glabris; foliolis pinnatifidis incisisve; segment
is cuneatis planis apice eroso-dentatis, caule
fruticoso carnoso, petalis subdentatis, tubo necta-
rifero calyce reflexo parum breviori.
i j J i -------— rough and rugged, occasion3 ed by« twhew s tmipuwlews eanijd vpeerrvsistent
bases of the petioles. Leaves smooth, pinnate
or at their termination pinnatifid; leaflets pinnatifid or
deeply incised, opposite or alternate, at a distance
from each other ; segments wedge-shaped, flat, toothed
at the point with very small teeth, and oftentimes
larger ones nearer the base. Petioles very long- nearly
round or slightly flattened on the upper side/clothed
with a short powdery pubescence, as are the peduncles
and calyx. Stipules very short, wide at the base but
ending m an acute point, at last hardened and re
marning persistent. Flower-stalk long and slender
very rigid and wiry, at last branching into a loose panicle.
Peduncles straight, cylindrical, bearing a close
umbel of many flowers. Involucre of numerous short
lanceolate bractes. Pedicles unequal in length but
ionger than the nectariferous tube. Calyx 5-cleft seg
ments lanceolate, acute, reflexed or revolute Necta
riferms tube scarcely as long as the calyx, slightly
flattened on each side, and gibbous at the base. & Pe-
ttals 5, oblong, obtuse, generally toothed, the two
upper ones rather the largest, eared above the base
reflexed, white, marked with pale lilac branched lines
near the bottom ; lower petals concave, white. Filaments
10, united at the base, every other one bearing