jr£ £D. jfauJfJ/. a&P.
PELARGONIUM concinnum.
Comely Stork’s-bill.
P. concinnum, umbellis subquadrifloris, foliis oblatis
trifidis undulatis obtuse dentieulatis glabriusculis
basi truncatis; segmentis lateralibus bilobis; inter-
medio trilobo, stipulis dentatis, calycibus reflexis,
tubo nectarifero longitudine calycis.
Pelargonium purpureum, superbum. Hoare Gerania-
cece, p. 14.
Stem shrubby, branching; branches slender, thickly
clothed with soft villous unequal spreading hairs.
Leaves truncate at the base, trifid, wider than long,
undulate, shallowly toothed with very blunt unequal
teeth, smoothish or slightly hairy; segments wedge-
shaped, hollow, curved inwards, side ones 2-lobed,
middle one 3-lobed. Petioles slender, slightly flattened
on the upper and rounded on the lower side,
curved upwards at the point, thickly covered with soft
villous hairs, as are the peduncles, calyx, and nectariferous
tube. Stipules cordate, or widely ovate, acute,
toothed and ciliate. Peduncles slender, reaching far
beyond the leaves, generally 4-flowered. Involucre of
5 or 6 lanceolate acute bractes. Pedicles a little longer
than the bractes, bent upwards. Calyx 5-cleft, of
a dark brown colour, upper segment widest, erect,
the others lanceolate, acute, reflexed or revolute. Nectariferous
tube about the length of the calyx, flattened
on each side and swollen at the base, of a dark brown
colour. Petals 5, the 2 upper ones roundly obovate,
of a bright rose colour, with a dark spot in the centre
which joins some slightly branched purple lines from
the base, and underneath the spot is a white mark;