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PELARGONIUM aurantiacum.
Orange-coloured Stork’s-hill. «. et (3.
P. aurantiacum, umbellis multifloris paniculatis, foliis
cordatis lobatis inaequaliter obtuse dentatis molli-
bus, stipulis ovato-lanceolatis acutis ciliatis, caule
petiolis pedunculisque villpsis.
Pelargonium foliaceum. Hortulanorum.
a. undulatum, foliis undulatis subtrifidis magisque lobatis,
Jig. a.
(3. planifolium, foliis planis obsolete lobatis, Jig. b.
Stem shrubby, flexuose, not much branched; branches
rather succulent, uneven, thickly clothed with long
villous unequal hairs, as are the petioles, peduncles,
and calyx. Leaves cordate, more or less lobed, very
unequally and deeply toothed, thickly clothed on both
sides with short soft villous down, strongly nerved underneath
and furrowed above. Petioles very long,
flattened on the upper side and convex on the lower,
widened at the base. Stipules ovately lanceolate or
nearly cordate, acute, ciliate. Peduncles panicled,
many-flowered. Involucre of several elliptically lanceolate
bractes, that are fringed and slightly keeled.
Pedicles scarcely as long as the bractes. Calyx 5-cleft,
upper segment erect, elliptically lanceolate, keeled;
the others lanceolate, acute, slightly reflexed. Petals
5, of a reddish orange-colour, the two upper ones ob-
ovate, oblique at the base, and marked with numerous
dark purple stripes, which branch in all directions ?
lower petals ligulate, spreading, of rather a lighter
colour. Filaments 10, united at the base, seven bearing
anthers, which in the specimens that we have seen
c c 2