PELARGONIUM crenulatum.
Crenulate- leaved Stork’s-bill.
P. cremlatum, pedunculis plurifloris, foliis inferioribus
renifonnibus obsolete erenulatis pubescentibus; su-
perioribus cuneatis basi integerrimis apice crenatis,
tubo nectarifero calyce duplo breviori.
Stem shrubby, erect, not much branched ; branches
thickly clothed with soft downy hairs. Leaves on the
lower part of the plant very large, reniform, very shallowly
notched with blunt rounded teeth, strongly
nerved below, pubescent on both sides ; on the flowering
branches wedgeshaped, entire about half way from
the base, and toothed at the points. Petioles widely
flattened and furrowed on the upper side, convex on
the lower, dilated at the base, thickly covered with
soft villoiis hairs, as are the peduncles and calyx. Stipules
cordate or widely ovate, obtuse, ciliate. Peduncles
cylindrical, 5 or 6 flowered. Involucre of six
bractes : bractes ovate, ending in a sharp point, fringed.
Pedicles unequal in length, curved upwards. Calux
5-cleft, segments lanceolate, acute, upper one largest,
erect, the others reflexed. Nectariferous tube about
half the length of the calyx, flattened on each side and
gibbous at the base. Petals 5, the two upper ones
obliquely obovate of a bright purple, with a dark crimson
spot in the centre, which joins numerous lines
from the base that are slightly branched, lower petals
roundly ovate, of rather a lighter colour. Filaments
10, united at the has?, seven bearing anthers. Pollen
orange-coloured. Germen villous. Style red, hairy
on the lower part and smooth on the upper. Stigmas
5, purple, reflexed.