Fair-flowered Stork’s-bill.
P. candidum, umbellis plurifloris, foliis superioribus
cordatis trilobis insequaliter obtuse dentatis pilosis
canescentibus, pedunculis calycibusque villosissimis,
stipulis cordatis, tubo nectarifero calvcis loneritu-
dine. J s
Pelargonium candidujn. Hoare MSS.
Stem shrubby, branching; branches thickly clothed
with soft villous unequal hairs. Leaves on the upper
part of the stem cordate, 3-lobed, unequally and
bluntly toothed with short rigid teeth, thickly clothed
on both sides with soft villous hairs which give them
a hoary appearance. Petioles widely flattened on the
upper side and convex on the lower. Stipules short,
cordate, bluntish, sometimes toothed, mucronate. Peduncles
cylindrical, several-flowered, thickly clothed
with soft villous unequal hairs, as are the bractes, calyx,
and nectariferous tube. Involucre of about 6
bractes joined at the base; these are ovate, concave,
and taper-pointed. Pedicles unequal in length, villous.
Calyx 5-cleft, segments unequal, widely’ lanceolate,
acute, spreading. Nectariferous tube about
the length of the calyx, flattened on each side and
gibbous at the base. Petals 5, roundly obovate, the
2 uppermost widest, oblique at the base, of a light
blush colour with a bright reddish purple spot in the
centre and a few lines below it and branching from it
lower ones nearly white. Filaments 10, united at the
base, 7 bearing anthers. Pollen orange-coloured
Style flesh-coloured, slightly hairy at the base and