This very curious plant is of hybrid origin, and
appears to be intermediate between P. car datum and
one of the horse-shoe tribe. Its flowers bear a strong
resemblance to the former, but its leaves, except in
rigidity, to that of the latter, even to the circle on its
leaves. P. hepaticifolium of Sprengel is also slightly
marked with a circle, but the number and form of the
flowers, and particularly the habit of the plant, are
totally dissimilar.
The plant from which our drawing was taken was
kindly communicated to us by Sir R. C. Hoare, who
raised it from seed. We find it thrives exceedingly
well in a mixture of light turfy loam and peat, and it
seems to be as hardy as any of the genus. Cuttings
soon strike root planted in pots in the same kind ot
soil, if placed in a sheltered situation.