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Choice Stor/c’s-hill.
P. selectum, caule erecto carnoso suffruticoso, scapo
diviso, foliis cordatis quinquelobis subtus tomento-
sis, calycibus reflexis, tubo nectarifero subsessili
calyce quadruplo longiori.
Root tuberous. Stem suffruticose, short, erect,
clothed with a brown scaly bark. Leaves cordate,
deeply 5-lobed, unequally toothed, densely tomentose
underneath; lower lobes generally 2-lobed. Petioles
clothed with very short hairs, and a few long ones intermixed,
Scape erect, rigid, branching, covered with
unequal spreading hairs. Peduncles hairy. Umbels
many-flowered. Involucre of several lanceolate, acute,
keeled, ciliate bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, segments unequal,
some ovate, others lanceolate, bluntish, all
reflexed. Nectariferous tube more than four times longer
than the calyx, flattened on each side, gradually tapering
downwards. Petals 5, strongly veined underneath,
of a rosy purple, with a dark velvet spot in
each that covers above half the petals : two upper ones
obcordate ; lower ones spatulately oblong. Filaments
10, straight, united at the base, one of them very
large and spatula-shaped, which produces no anther,
six only bearing anthers. Pollen yellow. Germen and
aristae villous. Style slightly hairy at the base and
smooth upwards. Stigmas 5, red, reflexed.
This very handsome plant is a hybrid production,
and was raised from a seed of P. lobatum, in the choice
collection of Robert Henry Jenkinson, Esq. where our
drawing was taken this summer. What its other parent
was, we have not ascertained, but we suspect it
A A £m