upper ones, of a paler colour. Filaments 10, united
at the base, seven bearing anthers. Pollen orange-
coloured. Style pale flesh-coloured, hairy on the lower
part and smooth upwards. Stigmas 5, reflexed.
The present plant, though far from common in our
collections, has been introduced to this country from
the Cape ever since the year 1789. It is a very hardy
sort and a free flowerer; but its flowers, though pretty,
are not so much esteemed, since so many more beautiful
kinds have been raised from seeds. It is also of a
straggling habit, requiring to be frequently cut back
to keep it within bounds. It thrives well in a mixture
of light turfy loam and peat, or any light vegetable
soil; and cuttings soon strike root, if planted in the
same kind of mould, and placed in a sheltered situation.
Drawn at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, the latter
part of last summer.