Upright Stork’s-bill.
P. erectum umbellis multifloris subpaniculatis, petalis
obcordatis, folus cordatis inciso-lobatis undulatis
obtuse grosseque dentatis subtus tomentosis, brac-
teis magnis calyce sesquilongioribus, stipulis sub-
ulatis persistentibus, caule crasso carnoso erecto.
Stem erect, suffruticose, thick and succulent cloth
ed with a hard glossy bark, scarcely branching. Leaves
cordate, jagged or lobate, undulate, bluntly toothed
with large teeth, clothed with a short pubescence on
the upper side and densely tomentose on the lower.
Petioles slightly flattened on the upper side and convex
on the lower, swollen at the base, villous. Stipules
subulate, fringed, persistent. Scape erect, villous
leafy. Peduncles in a kind of panicle, thickened to’
wards the base, villous, producing many-flowered um
bels. Involucre of several large oblong or lanceolate
acute, concave, villous bractes, all joined at the base’
about half as long again as the calyx. Pedicles very
short, scarcely any. Calyx 5-cleft; segments oblon/
obtuse, villous, all reflexed. Nectariferous tube nearly
four tunes the length of the calyx, flattened on both
sides, villous. Petals 5, obcordate, the two upper
most rather largest, the upper part of a rosy colour
the lower part white; between the two colours are two
reddish purple spots, sometimes confluent; and below
these are several linear red specks: lower petals of a
rosy lilac. Filaments 10, united at the base; erect six
bearing anthers, besides a large spatulate-shaped one
terminated in a sharp point, but producing no anther’