y . ^ < 4 ^ - / 7 ^ .S « « £ f S-etf. /. /#22.
HO ARE A elegans.
Elegant Hoarea.
H. elegans, acaulis, umbella composita, foliis inferiori-
bus simplicibus ovatis obliquis ternatisque; supe-
rioribus pinnatis pilosis: foliolis oppositis oblongo-
ovatis obtusis, pedunculis elongatis filiformibus,
tubo nectarifero calyce triplo longiori.
Root tuberous. Stem none. Leaves variable, covered
on both sides with white downy hairs; lower
ones ovate, oblique, or sometimes ternate; upper ones
pinnate: leaflets opposite, oblongly ovate, entii’e, very
blunt and nearly sessile, the three terminal ones joined
at the base, the upper one much the largest. Petioles
slightly flattened on the upper side and convex on the
lower, thickly clothed with close-pressed canescent
hairs. Stipules linear, membranaceous, fringed, and
joined to the base of the petioles. Scape branching,
thickly clothed with unequal canescent hairs, as are
the peduncles and calyx. Peduncles very long and
slender, cylindrical. Umbels of an elegant form, many-
flowered. Involucre of numerous linear, taper-pointed,
fringed bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, segments lanceolate,
with membranaceous margins, the upper one erect,
the others reflexed. Nectariferous tube about three
times the length of the calyx, slightly flattened on
each side, sessile. Petals 5, spreading, distinct at the
base, of a bright crimson, the two upper ones reflexed
from about the middle, spatulately ligulate, with long
white ungues that are spotted on the upper p art; lower
ones narrowly spatulate. Filaments 10, united into a
tube, 5 only bearing anthers, the upper one about half
the length of the lower ones ; sterile ones subulate and