This beautiful and very distinct plant is a hybrid
production, having been raised at the Nursery of Mr.
Colvill from a seed of P. fulgidum, the flower of which
had been fertilized by the pollen of P. scepejlorens: the
habit of the plant and hard bark, and its subpersistent
stipules, are the same as in the latter, also the form of
the flowers, but the colour is that of the former; the
leaves are nearly intermediate, but partake more of
P. scepejlorens than they do of V. fulgidum: being so
very different from all others, it is a valuable acquisition,
and its flowering in autumn, after many of
the other sorts are over, makes it still more desirable :
it began to flower the latter part of July, and continues
to bloom now, the middle of August, and will probably
blossom nearly all the winter.
Our drawing was taken at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill,
in July, where it is grown in an equal mixture of
turfy loam, peat, and sand; and, being of a succulent
habit, it requires but little water. Cuttings root pretty
freely, if taken off before the wood giets too ripe ; these
must be planted in pots, in the same kind of soil, and
placed in the greenhouse. It may also be increased
by the tubers of the root.