PELARGONIUM Scarborovise.
Countess of Scarborough’s Stork’s-bill.
P. Scarbmovi(e,~ umbellis 3-4 florisve, foliis subtrifidis
glabris rigidis inaequaliter argute dentatis: seg-
mentis inferioribus divaricatis superioribus trilobis
stipulis cordatis acuminatis, tubo nectarifero calvce
parum breviori.
Lady Scarborough’s Geranium. Hortulanorum.
-------- o ’ sienuer- ish, smooth and shining, but thinly covered with short
white unequal hairs. Leaves small, about as wide as
long, subtrifid or deeply 3-lobed, smooth, rigid, deeply
but unequally toothed with sharp rigid teeth and finely
ciliated round the edges: lower segments spreading
upper one much larger and 3-lobed. Petioles scarcely
the length of the leaf, upper ones much shorter, flattened
and slightly furrowed on the upper side and convex
on the lower, clothed with short stiff hairs, as are
the nerves of the leaves, peduncles, and calyx. Stipules
cordate, acuminate, rarely toothed, margins reflected
Peduncles axillary or opposite to the leaf, nearly cylindrical,
3 or 4 flowered. Involucre of about six une
qual, lanceolate, acute, keeled bractes. Pedicles longer
than the nectariferous tube. Calyx 5-cleft, segments
unequal, erect, lanceolate, acuminate. Nectariferous
tube flattened on each side, gibbous at the base
scarcely as long as the calyx. Petals 5, obovate the
two uppermost largest, red or pink with a dark velvetty
spot in the centre, and from it and the base branch
aeK i inel l l0T a little stained with red. r FPeiltaamls ePnatsl e 1l0il,a cu>n istoemd eattim thees
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