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PELARGONIUM tyrianthinum.
Royal purple Stork’s-bill.
P. tyrianthinum, umbellis plurifloris, foliis planis cor-
datis quinquelobis denticulatis villosis mollibus
subtus multinerviis, stipulis obliquis acutis subden-
tatis, petalis superioribus rotundatis reflexis, tubo
nectarifero longitudine calycis.
More’s Princess of Denmark Geranium. Hortulanorum.
Stem shrubby, much branched; branches spreading,
thickly clothed with long spreading villous hairs, as
are the petioles, peduncles, and calyx. Leaves flat,
cordate, shallowly 5-lobed, and toothed with small
pointed teeth; villous, very soft to the touch, feeling
like cloth: nerves numerous underneath, branching in
all directions. Petioles flattened on the upper side and
convex on the lower, dilated at the base. Stipules
ovate, oblique, taper-pointed and fringed. Peduncles
numerous, several- flowered. Involucre of six or seven
short, ovate, acute, fringed bractes, keeled underneath.
Pedicles about the length of the nectariferous tube.
Calyx 5-cleft, segments unequal, some ovate, others
lanceolate, acute, of a brownish purple colour, upper
one erect, the others reflexed. Petals 5, of a bright
rosy purple; upper ones nearly round, a little waved,
and marked near the base with a few short, branched
dark lines; lower petals oblong or obovate, slightly
waved. Filaments 10, united at the base, seven bearing
anthers. Style red, smooth, and shining. Stigmas
5, reflexed.
This pretty abundant flowering plant is of hybrid
origin, and was raised from seed by Mr. More, of the