DIMACRIA astragalifolia.
Astragalus-leaved Dimacria.
D. astragalifolia, umbella composita multiradiata, fo-
liis inferioribus simplicibus ovatis obliquis terna-
tisve: superioribus pinnatis pilosis; foliolis sub-
sessilibus alterhis ovatis obliquis integerrimis ter-
minali maximo, petalis linearibus undulatis obtusis
Pelargonium astragalifolium. Jacq.ic. rar. 3. t. 511.
Pers. syn. 2. p. 227. Comm. prcel. 53. t. 3.
Geranium astragalifolium. Andrews's reposit. 190.
icone pessima.
Root tuberous. Stem none. Leaves in clusters at
the crowns of the root: lower ones simple, roundly
ovate, oblique, obtuse; others- ternate or unequally
pinnate, hairy on both sides : leaflets alternate, nearly
sessile, roundly oval, obtuse, oblique at the base, entire,
from'5 to 14 on each leaf; the terminal one much
larger than the others. Petioles long and slender,
flattened on the upper side and convex on the lower,
thickly clothed with soft white hairs, as are the peduncles,
bractes, and calyx. Stipules subulate, joined
to the base of the petioles. Scape branching. Peduncles
cylindrical, many-flowered. Flowers spreading
in a radiate form. Involucre of numerous subulate
fringed bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, segments concave,
linearly lanceolate, fringed, upper ones largest, erect,
the others spreading. Nectariferous tube sessile,
slightly flattened, and furrowed on each side. Petals
5, linear, undulate, obtuse, 2 upper ones connivent at
the base and spreading at the points, straw-coloured,