PELARGONIUM floccosum.
Nappy Stork’s-bill.
P. floccosum, pedunculis paucifloris, foliis cordatis tri-
partitis undulatis utrinque villoso-pilosis: segmentis
sublobatis grosseque obtuse dentatis, stipulis lan-
ceolatis acutis, tubo nectarifero brevissimo calyce
triplo breviori.
Jenkinson’s Rebecca. Hortulanorum.
Stem shrubby, erect, not much branched; branches
thickly clothed with long villous hairs, as are the petioles,
peduncles, and calyx. Leaves cordate, 3-parted,
undulate, thickly covered on both sides with soft
downy hairs, and deeply toothed with blunt rounded
teeth; lower segments often 2-lobed, upper one
scarcely lobed but bluntly rounded t upper leaves not
so blunt and less divided. Petioles flattened and furrowed
on the upper side and convex on the lower.
Stipules lanceolate, taper-pointed, villous, and fringed.
Peduncles cylindrical, 2 to 4 flowered. Involucre of 4
unequal ovate or lanceolate keeled villous bractes.
Calyx 5-cleft, segments reflexed, upper one ovate, acute,
keeled, the others widely lanceolate. Nectariferous
tube very short and blunt, widely flattened on each
side, about three times shorter than the calyx. Corolla
of 5 petals, the two upper ones roundly obovate, of a
velvetty scarlet, with a dark velvet spot in the centre,
and many short dark lines below it which branch in
various directions: lower ones narrowly oblong, blunt,
of rather a lighter colour. Filaments 10, united at
the base, 7 bearing anthers, which in our specimens
were all sterile. Style purple, hairy on the lower part
and smooth upwards. Stigmas 5, purple, reflexed.
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