curved inwards. Style flesh-coloured, hairy below and
smooth upwards. Stigmas 5, of the same colour, reflexed.
This elegant little plant is a mule production raised
last year at the Nursery of Messrs. Colvill, from a seed
of Dimacria pinnata produced by the seed of a germen
fertilized by Hoarea atra, and it is nearly intermediate
between them. Nothing can exceed it in brilliancy of
colour and elegance of growth ; and we think this interesting
tribe will now become more fashionable, since
their colours are so much improved by culture: besides,
they grow and flower as freely as any of the
shrubby kinds, if treated according to our directions.
We think them particularly well adapted for small
greenhouses, as they take but little room, and if managed
well will continue to flower all the summer.
They will all thrive in an equal mixture of turfy
loam, peat, and sand; and may be increased by seeds,
or by the little tubers from the roots.