HO ARE A nivea.
Snowy-white Hoarea.
H. nivea, acaulis, umbella composita, foliis glabris in-
ferioribus ovatis integris superioribus pinnatifidis
ternatisque: segmentis lineari-lanceolatis acutis,
petalis concoloribus omnibus reflexis; inferioribus
multo minoribus.
Root tuberous. Stem none. Leaves smooth and
shining, of a dark green colour; lower ones simple,
broadly ovate, entire, slightly fringed ; upper ones ter-
nate or pinnatifid; segments linear or narrowly lanceolate,
acute. Petioles hairy. Stipules subulately li
near, taper-pointed, fringed. Scape branching, producing
several umbels of flowers, thickly clothed with
long spreading white hairs. Peduncles very hairy.
Umbels many-flowered. Involucre of numerous subulately
linear taper-pointed fringed bractes. Calyx 5-
cleft, segments lanceolate, acute, ciliate, Nectariferous
tube about half as long again as the calyx. Petals
5, of a snowy white, all reflexed; two upper ones spa-
tulate, nearly twice as long as the lower ones; lower
ones linearly ligulate. Filaments 10, united into a
short tube, five bearing anthers; four lower ones of
nearly the same length, upper one rather shorter : barren
ones short, and curved inwards. Pollen pale yellow.
Germen villous. Aristae hairy. Style smooth,
flesh-coloured. Stigmas 5, of the same colour, reflexed.
The present subject is a near relative of H. violce-
flora, Jig. 123, and is one of those mentioned by us,
that was received by Mr. Colvill from the Cape at the
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