ERODIUM crassifolium.
Hoary-leaved Heron’s-bill.
E. crassifolium, pedunculis 2-4-florisve, foliis pinnati-
fido-laciniatis canescentibus; segmentis lineari-lan-
ceolatis inciso-dentatis, stipulis membranaceis, pe-
talis sequalibus rotundatis imbricatis calyce duplo
Erodium crassifolium. Hart. Kew. ed. 2. vol. 4. p. 155.
Pers. syn. 2. p. 223. Desf. atl. 2. p. 111.
Geranium crassifolium. Andrews's reposit. 136.
Stem suffruticose, branching; flowering branches
erect, slender, of a reddish brown colour, thickly
clothed with unequal villous hairs. Leaves pinnatifid
or deeply laciniated, hoary on both sides, occasioned
by a white close-pressed pubescence, and numerous
spreading hairs intermixed; segments linearly lanceolate,
falcate, channelled, deeply and sharply toothed.
Petioles long and slender, nearly cylindrical, thickly
clothed with white spreading hairs. Stipules joined to
the base of the petioles, membranaceous, some acute,
others obtuse, undulate, fringed, white or sometimes
tinged with red at the base. Peduncles smooth or very
slightly hairy, cylindrical, 2 to 4-flowered. Involucre
of from 2 to 4 membranaceous, obtuse, concave, undulate,
fringed bractes. Pedicles very slender, smooth
and shining or slightly hairy. Sepals 5, lanceolate,
concave, mucronate, many-nerved, hairy, with membranaceous
margins. Petals 5, equal, nearly round, imbricate,
about twice the length of the calyx, of a
light rose colour, with a black spot at the base of
each, which branches a little upwards. Filaments 10,