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VIOLA pedata ; var. flabellata.
Fan-leaved Violet.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
N a tu ra l Order. V IO L A R IE iE . Decand. prodr. 1. p . 287.
V IO L A . Suprà fol. 126.
V . pedata, stigmate incrassato hinc obliqué truncato, ro sp o brevissimo,
foliis pellucido-punctatis palmati-sectis, stipulis pectinatim laceris longé
adhærentibus, petalis omnibus glabris. Decand. prodr. 1. 291.
Viola peda ta , L in n . sp. p i. ed. 2. p. 1323. Willd. sp. pi. 1. 1160.
Curtis, bot. m a g .t. 89. Miehaux, f l . bor. amer. 2.151. A n d r. bot.
repos. 1 .153. Pers. synop. 1.254. P o ire t, encyel. meth. 8.625. P ursh,
f l . amer. sept, \ . \ 1 l . N u tt. gen. \ .\4 1 . Rcem. et Sehult. syst. 6.361.
^ host. 96.
ifiited States,
•OC-JJb, X*« « X* J.S .a.«.*.*.«* ...... -------
E llio tt, hot. o f S . Carolina and Georgia, 1.300. Bigelow, f l .
T o r r e y .fl. o f the Mid d le and Northern Sections o f the Unit
1.249. Spreng. syst. 1.797.
Viola virginiana tricolor, foliis multifidis, cauliculo aphyllo. P lu h . aim.
388. i. 114. flg . 7.
Viola digitata. P u rsh , f l . amer. sept. 1.171.— Roem. et Schult. l. c. 5.351.
Viola ranunculifolia ? Poire t, enc. meth. 8.626.—J? om . et. Schult. I. c.
Viola pedata var. Graham in edin. new. phil. journal. Deer. 1833.
■Root having a large fleshy crown. Leaves (1 | inch long,
2 inches across) all radical, flat, somewhat fleshy, covered on
the upper surface with minute pubescence, glabrous and shining
below, having many minute transparent dots, strongly
nerved, nerves prominenten both sides, but especially on the
upper, the outer leaves often cuneate, truncated, crenate in the
centre, inciso-crenate at the sides of the abrupt termination, the
others pedate, 5-7-lobed, lobes spathulate, 3-5-toothed at the
apex, or entire. Petioles (2-3 inches long) rounded below, flat
above, and there having a strong prominent rib. StipulcB subulate,
pectinato-ciliate, adhering to the dilated base of the petiole
for nearly half their length. Scape (5 inches long) erect,
longer than the leaves, glabrous, channelled on its inner side,