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JffiatOM zT'A 1/1/J // ÎZmxîa20.J,///Z /Zi,!/,
NIEREMBÉRGIA fìlicaulis.
Twiggy Nierembergia.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
N a tu ra l Order. S O L A N EÆ . B rown prodr. 1. p. 443.
N I E R E M B E R G I A . Suprà fol. 172.
** Corollæ tubo filifo rm i, fa u e e eoaretatâ, staminibus ereetis subæqua-
libus summo tubo insertis, stigmate eomplanato. Nierembergia; propriæ.
N . filiea u lis, glabriuscula ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis acutis, calyce acumi-
nato corollæ tubi longitudine.
Nierembergia fìlicaulis. L in d i, in hot. reg. 1 .1649.
Stems filiform, erect, about a foot high, with numerous
spreading branches, and like the rest of the plant nearly glabrous.
Leaves linear-lanceolate, or linear, pointed, recurved
and spreading, about an inch or two in length; the lower
ones broader, somewhat spathulate, and occasionally verti-
cillate. Peduncles filiform, slender, glabrous, an inch or
more in length. Calyx turbinately tubular, glabrous, furnished
with ten ribs ; the segments linear-lanceolate, acuminate,
recurved and spreading, rather rigid, longer than the
tube. Corolla nearly double the size of N. gracilis, pale
purple, with the border and tube nearly white; the tube is
copiously glandular, varying in length," but generally about
as long as the calyx and limb, which last is concave, plaited
with 5 shallow, rounded, somewhat reniform, entire lobes;
faux yellow. Stamens 5, approximate, and inserted into the
mouth of the tube. Filaments awl-shaped, compressed, white,
minutely glandular. Anthers yellow, of 2 unequal parallel
cells, having an oblique insertion. Ovarium ovate, bilocular,
surrounded at the base by an elevated, cupular, white,
minutely crenulate disk. Style capillary, glabrous, dilated at
the top. Stigma lunate, viscid, with arched connate lobes,
keeled below.
Taller and more glabrous than gracilis, given at T a b .
172, of the present series, with the limb of the corolla about