ÌRIS Swértii.
Swerts Iris.
Linnean Class and Order. T R IA N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natu ra l Order. IR ID E Æ . Broujn p r o d r . p . 3 0 2 .
I R I S . Suprà fol. 56.
* Barbatæ, perianthii lacinia interiores amplæ conniventes, ovario
obtusè trigono, spathis seariosis, Sp. normales europææ.
I . Swe rtii, b a rb a ta ; caule multifloro tereti foliis altiore , perianthii laciniis
replicato-undulatis ; exteriorbus recurvatis oblongo-spathuiatis emarginatis
; interioribus subrotundo-ovalibus majoribus.
Iris Swertii. Lam. diet. 3. p. 296. ili. 1. p. 121. Vahl. enum. 2. p. 130.
Persoon syn. 1. p. 51. Roem. et Schult. syst. 1. p . 461. Redoute tlliac. 6.
t. 306.
I . aphylla y . K e r in bot. mag. t. 870. . m r
I . latifolia minor oris coeruleis, et eadem oris dilutè purpuréis, lo u rn c j.
inst. l . p . 358.
] . a lba, oris coeruleis. Swe rt.ßorileg. t. 41. f . 1.
The whole herbage is of a glaucous hue. iiooi thick,
fragrant. Stem erect, round, from a foot to 18 inches
high, bearing about 3 flowers, and rather longer than the
leaves. Leaves broadly exsiform, slightly falcate, an inch
or more in width. Flowers sessile, or nearly so, about half
the size of I . germanica, white, and marked, especially at
the borders, with numerous contiguous transverse streaks,
of a pale purple or violet. Spathes oblong-lanceolate, acute,
thin and scariose, white, as long as the tube of the perianthium,
which is angular, green, marked with purple lines,
and about the length of the ovarium. Outer segments of
the perianthium oblong-spathulate, recurved and spreading,
plaited and waved at the border, slightly notched at the top,
furnished at the claw with copious, erect, white hairs, tipped
with yellow ; the 3 inner segments are broadly elliptical,
with a contracted claw, the edges more wavy and recurved.
Filaments blue. Anthers linear-oblong, pale yellow. Ovarium
oblong, with 3 blunt angles. ¿Zigwfli' violet, cloven,