TUing-leaved Candiot Rampion.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
N a tu ra l Order. C A M P A N U L A C E Æ . Brown prodr. 1. p . 559.
P E T R O M A R U L A . Calyx CoroWa 5-partita. Stamina 6,
lobis corolla: alterna ; filamentis basi la tis, antheris longioribus, polline violaceo.
S tylus glaber. Stigma capitatum, crassum, pilosiuculum. Ovarium
3-loculare, inferum. Capsula erecta, poris 3 ad media partem latera-
lite r depiscens.
H e rb a Cretæ incoia, fo liis radicalibus primó petiolatis ovato-acutis,
delude pinnatis, p etiolü marginatis et lobatis ; floribus laxé racemosis, pedi-
cellatis. A lp h , Decand. Monogr, Campan, p. 209.
P . pinnata.
P etroma rula pinnata. Persoon Syn. 1. p . 194. A lp h . Decand. I. c. p. 209.
Phy teum a pinnata. Linn, sp .p l. 1. p . 242. Lam. ill. n. 2691. Willd. sp.
pi. 1. p . 295. Vent. ja r d . Cels. t. 62. Smithp ro d r.fl.g rc e e . 1. p . 1 4 4 .
f l . grme. t. 226. Rmm. et Schult. syst. veg. 6. p . 86.
Rapuncuhis creticus, sen Pyramidalis altera. Bauh. pin. p. 93. Tournef.
inst. 1. p. 113.
R . creticus, Petroma rula. Bauh. hist. 2. p. 811.
R . creticus sen Petroma rula eretica. P a rk , theatr. p. 649. f. 6. Moris.
hist. seet. 5. t. l . f . 8.
P e troma rula di Candia. Pon. bald. p . 96.
P . Rapunculo Candioto. Imperai, hist. p . 668.
P . Rapunculum creticum Imperati Valerian® foliis. B a rr. ic. 1 .1154.
Plant perennial, tufted, abounding in milky juice. Root
fleshy, fusiform, white. Stems erect, branched, from 3 to 4 feet
high, or more, about the thickness ofone’s finger, solid, angular,
glabrous, green, fragile, glossy. Branches long, erect. Leaves
stalked, deeply and lyrately cut, almost pinnate, glabrous,
green,veiny and paler beneath ; the segments ovate, acuminate,
stalked, doubly serrate, with large coarse, pointed, spreading
teeth, an inch to two inches long, obliquely rounded at
the base, rather distant, but approximate in pairs, and often
interposed by other minute, lanceolate, almost entire, pointed
ones. Footstalks whitish, semi-cylindrical, channelled above,
with a greenish membranous border, about a span in length.
Flowers fasciculate, disposed in very long, terminal, loose,
spiked racemes. Pedicels very short, angular, and, like the
bractes and calyx, clothed with minute papillse. Bractes
awl-shaped, pointed, entire, rather longer than the pedicels.
Calyx with 5 awl-shaped, pointed, entire, erect segments ;