SEuriid Pui¡hyJ3¿dyiv¿^
II , AGROSTÉMMA pyrenaica.
Pyrenean Rose-Campion.
Linnean Class and Order. D E C A N D R IA P E N T A G Y N IA .
¿ Natural Order. C A R Y O P H Y L L E iE . Juss. gen. p . 299.
f A G R O S T E M M A . Calyx tubulosus, 5-dentatus. P étala 5, ungui-
7 culata, saepiüs appendiculata. S ty li 6. Capsula 1-locularis, apice 5-yal-
'i vis. Torus abbreviatus.
Herb® (plerumque perennes et europ®».) Flores terminales, solitarii
V. corymbosi, albi aut rubri.
i A . pyrenaica, glabra ; foliis radicalibus spathulatis ; caulinis sessilibus cor-
datis, paniculá pauciflorá, calycibus clavatis inflatis basi intrusis, peta-
lis emarginatis.
Agrostemma pyrenaica. G. Don syst. yard, and bot. 1. p . 416.
Lychnis pyrenaica. Berger, f l . bass, pyreu. 2. p. 264. B e c .J . 5. p . 608.
Prodr. 1. p . 387.
:i L. nummularia. Lapeyr. abr. p. 263.
Plant small, perennial, very smooth, glaucous and pru-
inose, occasionally changing to a purple hue. Stems many,
branched, ascending, 3 inches high, doubly forked; joints
rather callous, with the interstices filiform. Leaves quite
smooth and glaucous, entire, mostly concave, rather thick
and coriaceous; radical ones spathulate, stalked, about an
inch long; those of the stem scarcely half the length, decussate,
sessile, cordate, terminated by a minute purple
point ; the bases connivent, and almost connate. Bractes
ovate-oblong, concave, mucronulate, connate at the base,
and generally adpressed. Panicle forked, of from 3, 5, to 7
flowers. Peduncles slendqf, filiform, smooth, an inch long.
Calyx clavate, rather inflated, membranous, 5-toothed, with
10 nearly obsolete angles ; the base inverted : teeth very
short, broadly ovate, slightly mucronulate, with a thin membranous
white or purplish border. Petals, the lamina
wedge-shaped, notched, of a pale rose colour, equal in length
to the calyx ; the claws about half the length of the lamina,
also wedge-shaped, slightly contracted at the base, of a pale
green, the border thin, the disk furnished with two elevated,
obtuse, parallel ridges, which gradually disappear in the
lamina. Coronary appendages bipartate, with lanceolate,
acute, erect segments, occasionally toothed at the margin.
Stamens 10 ; the alternate ones, which are opposite the petals,
rather shorter. Filaments awl-shaped, smooth, white,
thickened at the base and united into a short column, denominated
the anthophorum, about equal in length to the
ovarium. Anthers of a very pale purple, with linear, paral