r r
2 If,
SÀLVIA angustifolia.
Narrow-leaved Sage.
U n nean (Mass and Order. D IA N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA
L A B IA TÆ . J uss. gen. 110.
S A L V IA . Suprà fol. 59.
angustifolia, flerhaeeo.-, foliis subsessilibus lineari-cuneatis dentatis
üM e n tá tir"* ‘‘'^ paucifloris, calycibus tubulosis hispidis
Salvia angustifolia. Cavan, ic. A. p .9 . t . 3 l l . Vahl e n .\ . p . ‘ib h Room et
SeJmlt. syd . 1. p 222. Bentham in bot. reg. t. 1554. k b ia t. p l l ^ '
S. virgata. Orteg. dee. 1. p . 3. ‘
S. reptans. Jaeq. hort. Schmnbr. 3. p . 38. t. 319.
Aifm erect, slender, from a foot to three feet hiffh,
branched, bluntly 4-sided, sparingly furnished with rouo-h
bns ly hairs bearded at the joints. Leaves linear, acute,
with a few shallow teeth, flat, glaucous, an inch to two inches
long, attenuated towards the base; the lower ones
rather cuneiform. Racemes long, thin. Vertkills of from 2
to 5 flowers. Bractes ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, caducous
thnce longer than the pedicels. Calyx tubular, furrowed,’
iispid with whitish hairs, with 18 prominent ribs, partly
stained with violet; the teeth three, ovate, acuminate, ip p e r
one broader. Corolla oi a deep azure, twice longer than the
calyx; tube ventricose, rather longer than the calyx-
upper hp concave, erect, entire, pubescent; lower one
twice longer, with rounded lobes, the middle one very
broad, reniform spreading, notched. Stamens shorter than
the corolla. Connectivum linear, adnate, toothed behind
¿(y/e scarcely exserted, with two lines of hairs. Stigma
forked ; the lower lobe elongated, awl-shaped.