Taller and more straggling than C. pulchella, and much
inferior to it in heautv. It was discovered hy Mr. Douglas
in California, and introduced last year to the gardens of the
Horticultural Society. I t is a hardy annual, producing
seeds abundantly, and is of very easy culture.
Our drawing was taken from a specimen communicated
by the Messrs. Young, of the Epsom Nurseries.
The alternate stamens being also fertile in this species,
abrogate a character, which was regarded as the chief distinction
of the genus; and unless the narrow lengthened
claws of the petals be considered such, there is no other
available mark to prevent its merging into (Enothera, with
which it in other respects entirely accords.
For the explanation of the g e n e r i c name, see lol. 157.
D. Don.
I . A pair o f Stamens. 2 . S ty le and Stigma.