I h;
’ i 4l
of 2 parallel connate cells. Ovarmm 3-sided, 3-celled.
Style slender, filiform, longer than the corolla. Stigmas 3,
semi-cylindrical, recurved, minutely papillose ahove. Capsule
3-celled, 3-valved, shorter than the calyx. Seeds
angular, several in each cell.
Few annual plants are seen in our gardens of equal heauty
to the present, wliich is a native of the upper districts of
Carolina and Georgia, on the hanks of rivers, in sandy soil,
where it was first found hy Cateshy, and plants of it were
raised in Sherard’s famous garden at Eltham ahout 1725,
from seeds hrought hy that zealous collector. The plant
has heen introduced several times since, hut from its having
rarely perfected its seeds, it has seldom heen preserved
heyoiid the first year.
Linnæus first referred the plant to Polemonium, hut he
afterwards less happily removed it to Ipomoea, having heen
most prohahly influenced in tliis opinion hy Dillenius, who
regarded it as helonging to that genus. Miehaux, or rather
the elder Richard, separated it as a distinct genus under
the name of Ipomopsis, hut it has since very properly heen
united to Cilia, a genus previously puhlislied hy Ruiz and
It is very nearly related to C. aggregata, given at TAB.
218. of the present volume, hut differs in its looser inflorescence,
and ill the hroader, spreading, and less pointed
segments of its corolla.
We would recommend the seeds to he sowm in the
autumn, and the jmung plants to he preserved in the pit or
greenhouse through the winter, and to he planted out ahout
the middle of May, in a shady border, and in a sandy soil.
Treated in this way the plants will come early into flower,
and will be more likely to ripen their seeds.
Our drawing was taken in August last at Park Lodge,
Blacklieath, the seat of Lord Auckland, where the plant was
more than usually vigorous, having attained the
leight of
6 or 7 feet.
For an explanation of the generic name, see fol. 218.
D. Don.
1 . R a d i c a l lea f,
in s e r tio n o f th e s tam e n s .
2 . P o r t io n o f tlie tu b e o f th e c o ro lla s h ew in g th e
3 . O v a r ium .