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FABÀGO major.
Greater Bean Caper.
Linnean Class and Order. D E C A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
N a tu ra l Order. Z Y G O P H Y L L E A Í . Brown gen. rem. p. 646. Decand
prodr. 1. p . q06.
F A B A G O . CaAya; 5-phyIlus, ®stivatione imbricatà. P e ta la 6. S ta mina
10. Filamenta basi intùs appendiculata. S tigma indivisum. Cap-
sw/a prismatica V. 5-a la ta , 5-locularis, 5-valvis : loculis polyspermis. S e mina
duplici ordine medio inserta, compressa : testa Crustacea, fragili : al-
humen nullum. Radicula teretiuscula, curvata, ab umbilico externo remota,
Herb® (Asi® e t Afric® boreal.) perennes. Eolia petiolata, ternata, f o líolo
terminali plerumque abortivo, v. pinnata. Stipul® mcmhranaeece,
persistentes. Flore s axillares, solitarii v. gemini. H ilc forsitan referenda
Z . pterocarpum, Melongena, subtrijugum e t furcatum, Ledeb. fl. alt.
D. Don Mss.
F . major, foliolis conjugatis obovatis, pedunculis petiolo brevioribus, cap-
sulis prismatìcis elongatis, seminibus lievibus subbaccatis.
Zygopbyllum Fabago. Linn. sp. p i. 1. p . 386. Hort. ups. p . 103. Willd.
sp. p i. 3. p . 560. Lam. ili. 346. f . 1. A it. hort. kew. e d .2 . 3. p . 40
Persoon synop. 1. p . 463. Marsch. è Bieb. f i . taur. cane. 1. p . 310
Decand. prodr. l . p . 705. Ledeb. f l . alt. 2. p . 105. G. Don qen. sust
gard. and bot. 1. p . 771.
Fabago Belgarum, sive P ep lu s Parisiensium. Dalech. hist. p . 456. fcum
figurà bonà.) Tournef. inst. 1. p . 259.
Capparis Fabaginea, sive Peplios Lutetiorum. Bauli, hist. 2. p . 66.
C. Portulac® folio. Bauh. pin. p . 480.
C. Fabago. Dodon. pempt. p .1 4 1 . Ger. em. p . 801. B e sl.e y s t.w s tiv . 10.
t. 1. f . l . (mala.)
C. leguminosa. Lob. ic. 2. t. 6. (pessima.)
Telepbium Dioscoridis. Column, eephr. p . 132. t. 131. (bona.)
Morgsaiii. R a uw . it. 1 .1 13.
The whole herh smooth, and of a deep green, with the
smell and taste of Capparis spinosa. Root perennial, long,
fusiform, white. Stem erect, divaricately branched, round
and jointed, the joints swollen. Branches spreading, semicylindrical,
the inner surface flat and channelled. Leaflets
in a single pair, obovate, or obovate-oblong, entire, fleshy,
with unequal sides, from an inch to 3 inches long, ribbed
beneath, the veins mostly immersed and invisible; the terminal
one nearly abortive, narrow, bristle-shaped, membranous,
but, occasionally, in the lower leaves, it is large and
obcordate. Petioles linear, bluntly keeled below, channelled
above, the edges slightly winged, from half an inch to an
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