S S g. 256
CAMPÁNULA divérgens.
Spreading Bell-flower.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. C A M P A N U L A C E Æ . Brown prodr. 1. p . 559.
C A M P A N U L A . Suprà fol. 80.
C. divergens, biennis, hispido-pilosa ; floribus racemoso-paniculatis nutan-
tibus, laciniis calycinis lanceolatis acutis erectis : appendicibus ovatis
obtusis ovario brevioribus, corollâ campanulatâ, foliis oblongis obtusis
Campanula divergens. Willd. enum. 1. p . 212. Horn. hort. hafn. 1. p . 201.
Boem. et Schult. syst. 5. p . 146. Spreng. syst. 1. p . 133. A lp h .D e cand.
monogr. p . 243.
C. spathulata. Waldst. et K i t . pi. rar. hung. 3. p . 286. t. 258.
C. cernua. B alb. cat. hort. taur. ann. 1813. p . 20.
Plant clothed with short bristly white hairs. Root annual.
Stem about a span high, erect. Branches spreading, angular,
purple. Leaves sessile, oblong,obtuse, wavy,andrepand-
ly crenate at the edges, scabrous, an inch or more in length,
paler beneath; radical ones longer and flatter, spathulate, attenuated
at the base into a sort of footstalk. Plowers numerous,
drooping, in a racemose panicle. Peduncles an inch
long, angular, flexuose, purple. Bractes lanceolate, acute,
hispid, wavy and recurved. Calycine segments lanceolate,
acute, erect, the borders recurved, and fringed vvith white
hairs, the sinuses produced into ovate, obtuse, fringed, reflexed,
leafy lobes. Corolla an inch long, or rather more, tu-
bular-campanulate, of a deep violet, thrice longer than the
calyx, glabrous andglossy exteriorly, the inside clothed with
shaggy hairs, with 5 semi-ovate, mucronulate, spreading
lobes. Stamens 5, inclosed. Pilaments slender, with broad,
ovate, acute, connivent, bearded, white bases. Anthers linear,
yellow. Style twice as long as the stamens, cylindrical,
purple, the upper half clothed with papillose hairs. Stigma