SÓLLYA heterophylla.
Various-leaved Sollya.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. P IT T O S P O R E .® . B rown gen. rem. in Flind. voy. 2.
p . 542. Decand. prodr. 1. p . 345.
S O L L Y A . Calyx 5-phyllus. P etala 5, patentia. Antherte apice
bifoiaminulosa;. Stigma bilobum. Pericarpium capsulare, membraná-
ceum, biloculare, polyspermum.
Frútices (australasici.) Flores corymbosi, azurei. D . Don Mss,
S. heterophyllm, foliis oblongis, antheris conniventibus, ovario sericeo,
caule volubili.
Sollya heterophylla. Lin d l. in bot. reg. 1.1466.
Billardiera fusiformis. Labill. nov. holl. 1. p . 65. t. 90. (affirmante exera-
plario prototypo ab auctore misso in H e rb . Lamb.) Decand. I. c . l .
p . 345.
A slender, twining, branching, evergreen shrub, rising
to the height of 3 or 6 feet. Branches filiform, glabrous.
Leaves copious, alternate, stalked, obliquely horizontal, elliptical
oblong, or lanceolate, acute, or abruptly mucronulate,
cartilaginous and membranous, quite entire, smooth on
both sides, dark green, and shining above, paler and veiny
beneath, from an inch and a half to 3 inches long; those of
the branches for the most part narrower, and abruptly mucronulate,
sparingly hairy in the young state. Petioles very
short, twisted, channelled above. Corymbs solitary, drooping,
of from 3 to 9 flowers, but most frequently of 5, at first terminal,
but by the prolongation of the shoots, afterwards
becoming lateral.* Peduncles filiform, half an inch long,
stained with violet, rather thicker at the apex, covered sparingly
with resinous dots, furnished at the base with a lanceolate,
acuminate, violet-coloured, caducous bracte. Calyx of
5 lanceolate, acuminate, nearly equal violet-coloured leaves,
imbricate in aestivation, furnished with a membranous border
and 3 nerves, the centre one of which is thicker and prominent.
Petals 5, spreading, alternating with the leaves of the
calyx, obovate, with an almost obsolete point, and 3 nerves,
veiny, of a brilliant azure above, paler and whiteish beneath,
having a very short yellow claw. Stamens 5, alternating with