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VERBÉNA sulphórea.
Sulpìi ur-coloured Vervain.
Linnean Class and Order. D ID Y N A M IA A N G IO S P E R M IA .
Natural Order. V E R B E N A C E Æ . Brown prodr. 1. p. 6 1 0 .
V E R B E N A . Suprà fol. 9.
I I V . sulphurea, diandra, procumbens, subsericea ; foliis multifidis : segmentis
linearibus obtusis margine revolutis, spicâ capitatà, corollis glabris :
laciniis flaccidis bilobis.
Plant perennial, tufted, canescent, with rough spreading
hairs. Stems many, procumbent, leafy, acutely quadrangular,
a span long. Leaves sessile, opposite, deeply pinnatifid,
about an inch long, the segments linear, obtuse, revolute at
the margin, sometimes falcate, if/oteeri of a sulphur colour,
larger than in V. multijida, thickly arranged in a capitate
spike. Peduncles from 2 to 3 inches long, erect. Bractes
lanceolate, acuminate, shorter than the calyx, clothed with
bristly hairs. Calyx tubular, bristly, with 5 angles, and 5
te e th ; the teeth upright, awl-shaped, pointed, unequal,
folded. Corolla, the tube rather longer than the calyx, perfectly
glabrous, both within and without, slightly ventricose
at the apex; limb spreading, 5-parted, the segments oblong,
wedge-shaped, cloven, rather flaccid, 2 lower ones narrower.
Stamens 2, inserted in the mouth of the corolla, exserted.
Filaments very short, compressed, smooth. Anthers large,
purple. Ovarium smooth. Style compressed, green, dilated
upwards, with the sides rather produced beyond the glanduliferous
This pretty little Vervain was raised from Chilian seeds
received from Mr. Hugh Cuming, by our friend, Mr. William
Christy, Junior, to whom we are indebted for the spe-
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