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RHODODÉNDRON ferrugineum;
var, album.
White-flowered Rusty-leaved Rosehay.
Linnean Class and Order. D E C A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natu ra l Order. E R IC A C E Æ .
Trib. 2. R hodoreæ. D. Don in edinb. p h il jo u rn . J u ly , 1834.
R H O D O D E N D R O N . S u p rà fo l. 10.
* Calycis limbo abbreviato. Corolla tubuloso-campanulatâ. S tam ina
10. Folia sempervirentia, coriacea. Normales.
R . ferrugineum, foliis glabris subtùs leprosis, corollis infundibuliformibus.
Linn. sp. p i. p . 502. M ill. diet. n. 2. Jacq. obs. 1. p. 26. t. 16. f l . austr.
t. 255. Scop. earn. n. 479. Willd. arb. 284. sp. pi. 2. p. 603.
R . foliis ellipticis, glabris, subtùs rubiginosis. Hall. helv. n. 1015.
Azalea maculis ferrugineis subtùs adspersa, floribus decandris. Lemonier.
Sauv. monsp. p. 57.
Ledum alpinum, foliis ferreà rubigine nigricantibus. B au h . pin. p . 408.
R a ii hist. p . 1005.
Euonymus T heophrasti. Balech. hist. p . 271.
Chammrhodendros montana Allobrogum lentiscifolia. Lob. ic. p. 366.
j3. album, floribus niveis.
A very dwarf shrub, scarcely more than a foot high.
Branches glabrous, covered with a pale yellow bark. Leaves
oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, with a minute yellow glandular
point, glabrous shining, pale green, and veiny above, covered
beneath with rusty brown scales. Corolla pure white, tubular,
with oblong, blunt, wavy, spreading, equal lobes. Filaments
awl-shaped, glabrous, white. Anthers orange yellow. Style
glabrous, greenish yellow.
We are indebted to Mrs. Marryat for the opportunity of
publishing a figure of this very delicate and scarce variety of
an old inhabitant of the gardens.
The plant whence our drawing was taken, blossomed in
the beginning of J une last, and we had never before remarked
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