monadelphous. Filaments pa\e gx&en. Anthers orange, of
the 5 shorter stamens linear, with parallel cells, of the longer
5 nearly reniform. Ovarium glabrous, compressed, shining.
Style awl-shaped, glabrous. Stigma fringed with white hairs.
This pretty little Lupine was gathered in California by
Mr. Douglas, and by him introduced to the garden of the
Horticultural Society, whence seeds have been distributed
to various collections.
Our drawing was taken at Mr. Knight’s Nursery, in the
latter end of May.
The plant is a hardy annual, thriving in any light soil,
and is found to produce seeds freely.
For the explanation of the generic name, see fol. 12.
D. Don.
1. Wings. 2 . K ee l. 3. Stamens and P istil. 4 . P istil separate.
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