with green, paler towards the edges, the apex involute and
veiny, minutely pubescent at the base within. Petals 3,
shorter than the wings, closely united at the base ; lateral
ones ligulate, obtuse, somewhat falcate, pubescent on their
upper surface, and folding over each other, so as to give the
corolla a bilabiate appearance, of a deep blue, paler below,
and marked with deeper spots ; the intermediate one thick
and fleshy, greenish, 3-lobed, with a short claw, cullulate,
with the 2 lateral lobes short, nearly triangular, and converging
; the central one divided into numerous, narrow,
blunt, almost filiform, and often forked segments, of a pale
blue, those near the margin confluent. Stamens 8. Filaments
united, membranous, white, attenuated towards the apex,
rather fleshy and bearded within at the base, separated at
the top into 2 bundles of 4 each. Anthers ye low, unilocular,
tubular, opening with an oblique, wide mouth,
having the border spreading and somewhat revolute. Style
clavate, smooth, transversely compressed, with a narrow
bend at the middle. Stigma a yellow, recurved gland. Capsule
orbicular, sessile, 2-celled, cloven at the top, with
a narrow, membranous, slightly torn border. Seeds solitary,
cylindrical, smooth. Arillus tripartite, fleshy, white, with
linear blunt segments.
This pretty little Po/j/ga/a is a native of Valparaiso, in Chile,
whence it was introduced last year from seeds collected in
that country by Mr. Hugh Cuming. The plant appears to
delight in a sandy soil, and may be increased both by cuttings
and seeds. According to Feuilffie, it is a powerful
diuretic, and is used by the Indians, who name it “ Clin-
clin,” in a simple infusion, which is allowed to stand for a
whole night before it is taken.
There is, most probably, some mistake in the habitats
given by Willdenow of this and his gnidioides; for although
we have seen no sample of the latter, we have little doubt of
their identity.
Our drawing was taken at Mr. Knight’s Nursery, m July
The generic name alludes to the belief of the effects of the
common kind in inducing a larger secretion of milk, and is
derived from ttoXu, much, and yaXa, milk. D. Don,
1. Calyx. 2. Bractes. 3. Wing . 4 . Stamens. 5 . Capsule. 0. L e a f a Uttle magnified.