NIEREMBÉRGIA intermedia.
Narrow-leaved Purple Nierembergia.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. S O L A N EÆ . Brown prodr. 1 p 443
N I E R E M B E R G IA . Suprà fol. 172.
Sect. 2. Corollæ fa u e e dilatatâ scepiùs ventrieosâ, staminibus incequa-
libus tubo medio insertis subinelusis, stigmate subcapitato. P e tu n ia .
N . intermedia, foliis linearibus obtusis dense pubescentibus, coroll® tubo
vix calyce longiore : laciniis emarginatis, stylo clavato, capsulà 5-
costatà. ^
Nierembergia intermedia. Graham in edinb. p h il.jo u rn . 1833.
Salpiglossis linearis. Hooker in bot. mag. t. 3256.
•'1-1.4 /y;
Plant somewhat shrubby, thickly clothed with very short,
glandular, clammy, and hoary pubescence. Stems erect,’
much branched, round, and leafy, from a span to a foot
high. Leaves alternate, or often fasciculate from the undeveloped
branches, sessile, linear-spathulate, or oblong, blunt,
entire, recurved and spreading, about half an inch long, concave
above, convex but scarcely carinate beneath. Plowers
copious, situated opposite the leaves. Peduncles an inch long,
filiform, afterwards becoming bent down. Calyx campanulate,
5-sided, with 5 blunt, strap-shaped, spreading, unequal
segments. Corolla funnel-shaped, scarcely an inch long, copiously
clothed with glandular pubescence ; tube yellow,
striated, hardly longer than the calyx ; throat ventricose,
yellow within ; limb plaited, 5-lobed, of a rich purple, paler
and veiny towards the border, the centre of a deeper colour,
with a slight shade of brown ; the lobes are very short!
rounded and emarginate. Stamens 5, all fertile, inclosed, declinate,
unequal, the fifth very short, straight, erect, placed
between the longer pair. Pilaments awl-shaped, mostly bent,
glabrous, or slightly glandular, pale green, attenuated towards
the top, thickened and connivent at the base, where
they are attached to the tube. Anthers yellow, reniform,
bilocular, cells connate at the middle, free at both ends, and
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