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White-flowered Nycterinia.
Linnean Class and Order. D ID Y N A M IA A N G IO S P E R M IA
Natural Order. S C R O P ïIX J L A R IN Æ , B rown prodr, 1 . p. 433
Trib. IV . B ü c h n e r e æ . Nobis.
N Y C T E R IN I A . Calyx tubulosus, 5-dentatus, sub-bilabiatus, sinu-
bus membranaceus. Corolla hypocrateriformis : tubo longissimo, filiformi •
/«Mcecoarctatâ, glanduloso-pilosâ : /¿móo 5-partito, patulo. Stamina 4, di!
dynama, fauci corollæ inserta : filamenta compressa, glabra, brevissima •
antheroe lineares, unilobse, bivalves, longitudinaliter dehiscentes, connec!
tivo insigni carinato viridi insert® ; 2 superwres minores. Ovarium oblon-
gum, teres, biloculare, basi glandulà elevata auctum. Sty lu s filiformis, glaber.
S tigma loriforme, revolutum, minuté papillosum. Capsula bilocularis.
Semina minuta, creberrima.
P lan t® (capenses) suffruticosoe, viscosa:. Eolia opposita, indivisa. F lo res
terminales, eorymboso-spicati, braeteati.
Obs. Genus omninò diversum est Erinus (E . alpinus) calyce 5-partito
æquali, staminibus tubo corollæ infra medium insertis inclusis, antheris bilobis
reniformibus loculis apice confluentibus, stylo brevissimo, stio-mate
capitato viscoso biglanduloso. Buchnera staminibus infra medium tubi in
sertis, antheris bilobis mucronatis, stigmate clavato emarginato, calyci
æquahter 5-dentato facilè distingnitur. D . Don Mss.
N . Lyehnidea, foliis lineari-oblongis d entatis, limbi laciniis semibifidis.
Erinus L ychnidea. Linn. suppl. p . 281. (excluso synouymo). Thunb. m-odr
p . 102. Willd. sp. p i. 3. p . 333. Persoon syn. 2. p . 147. (excl svn
B u rm .) Lin d i, in bot. reg. t. 748.
The whole plant of a dark green, clothed with recumbent
bristly hairs, and yielding a glutinous substance resembling,
in appearance and odour, gum ladanum. Stem
suffruticose, erect, cylindrical, branched, rigid, from 3 to 6
inches high. Leaves opposite, sessile, linear, obtuse, about
an inch long, revolute at the edge, furnished with several
blunt teeth, rather hoary beneath. Flowers terminal, spiked,
expanding only in the evening, or in cloudy weather, and
then very fragrant. Bractes leafy, oblong, blunt, even, fringed,
entire or toothed. Calyx tubular, membranous, very
pale green, almost white, hairy, cloven lengthways,
and somewhat bilabiate, with 5 short, blunt, erect, fringed
teeth. Corolla, the tube filiform, an inch or an inch and a
half long, of a livid purple; faux contracted, hairy and
glandular; limb deeply parted into 5 wedge-shaped, cloven
segments, with divaricate, blunt, spathulate lobes, imbricate