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CAMPANULA garganica.
Garganian Bell-flower.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order C A M P A N U L A C E Æ . Brown p rodr. 1. p . 669.
C A M P A N U L A . S ap rà , fol. 80.
C. garganica, caulibus diffusis, foliis reuiformi-cordatis inciso-serratis,
pedunculis subbifloris, laciniis calycinis lanceolatis acuminatis dentatis
corollâ rotatâ vix brevioribus.
Campanula garganica. T e n .fl. neap, prodr. append. 1827. A lph. Beeand.
monogr. p . 299.
C. elatines. I^etagn. inst. bot. 2. p . 367.
C. garganica, saxatilis, hirsuta, pendala, longiùs radicata, ampio rotundo
folio, flore parvo coeruleo D . Micheli. T ill. eat. hort. pis. p . 29.
Plant perennial, tufted, of a grass green, glabrous and
shining, or sometimes hairy. Stems many, filiform, branched,
leafy, about 3 inches high. Leaves on long narrow footstalks,
reniform or cordate, deeply serrate, with rounded
nearly equal mucronulate teeth, membranous, the posterior
lobes connivent; those of the stem smaller, cordate, on
shorter footstalks. Flowers disposed in a racemose panicle.
Peduncles slender, filiform, about an inch long. Calyx hemispherical,
angular, glabrous, the segments nearly equal,
lanceolate, acuminate, spreading and recurved, finally becoming
revolute, and generally furnished at the base with
two opposite sharp teeth. Corolla rotate, rather longer than
the calyx, of a cobalt blue, the limb deeply divided into 5
ovate-lanceolate, acute, recurved segments. Stamens 5,
shorter than the corolla. Filaments flat, membranous, white,
hairy on the inside, broader at the base. Anthers linear,
yellow. Ovarium 3-celled. Style rather declinate, cylindrical,
white, longer than the corolla. Stigma clavate, pale blue,
of 3 semi-cylindrical, papillose cohering lobes, as long as
the style.
This pretty little Campanula was discovered by Professor
Tenore on Mount St. Angelo, anciently Garganus, in the
kingdom of Naples, and named by him after that locality
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