L U P IN U S nanus.
Dwarf Lupine.
Linnean Class and Order. D IA D E L P H IA D E C A N D R IA .
Natural Order. L E G U M IN O S A . Juss. gen. p. 345.
L U P IN U S . Suprà fol. 12.
L. nanus, hirsutus ; foliolis subseptenis lineari-lanceolatis acutiusculis
canaliculatis, calycis labio inferiore emarginato ; superiore bipartito, leguminibus
Lupinus nanus. Dougl. Mss. B enth. in hort. trans, v. 1. n. s. p . 409. 1 .14.
/.2 .
Root fibrous, annual. Stem about a span high, slightly
branched at the base, filiform, hollow, clothed, like the rest of
the plant, with long, white, simple, spreading hairs. Leaves
composed of, from 5 to 7, linear-lanceolate, channelled, hairy
leaflets, with a sharp recurved point, scarcely an inch long,
attenuated at the base. Footstalks about an inch and a half
long, filiform, hairy, broader and compressed at the base.
Stipules linear, hairy, erect, attenuated, but scarcely pointed
at the top, dark purple, inclining to black, about 3 lines in
length. Flowers in distant whorls, of about 5 together, on
short cylindrical purple pedicels, and disposed in a loose
terminal raceme of 2 or 3 inches in length. Bractes lanceolate,
rather blunt, concave, membranous, very hairy, longer
than the calyx, and having a persistent callous articulated
base. Calyx of 2 lips, membranous, hairy, purplish; upper
lip deeply cloven, with pointed segments; lower one emarginate.
Corolla the wings broad, of an azure blue, folding-
over the keel, which is white, acuminate, and fringed at the
upper edges with silky hairs, the point greenish and shaded
with a livid purple; vexillum rounded, truncate, with the
sides azure, shaded with purple, and folded back, the disk
white, marked with a few linear spots of dark purple. Sta-
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