f & t - li i i l . A /a ly . y , ¡¿ ¡la a y . X .i. ¡ fil, ,/u u lly , ■>%(/ / r /3 . i.
VIOLA cuculiata.
Hollow-leaved Violet.
Linnean Class and Order. P EN TA N D R IA MONOGYNIA.
Na tu ra l Order. V IO L A R IE ^ . Decand. prodr. \. p. 281.
V IO L A . Supràfol. 126.
Staminibus approximatis, sty lo basi attenuato, stigmate triangulari
rostrato, toro planiusculo, capsuld trigoni. Acaules, radice incrassatà.
V. Cuculiata, acaulls ; foliis cordatis acutiusculis glabris crenatis basi cucullatis,
petalis lateralibus barbatis ; infimo glabro, stigmate marginato.
Viola cuculiata. Soland. in hort. kew. 3. p . 288. ed. 2. v. 2. p . 44. Willd.
s p .p l. 1. p. 1162. P ursh f l . amer. 1. p . 173. N u tt. gen. l . p . 148.
Sims in bot. mag. 1795. Roem. et Schult. 5. p. 355. E llio tt carol. 1.
p . 298. G. Don. gen. sy st. gard. ^ bot. l . p . 321.
V. cordata. Walt. Carol, p . 219.
Plant perennial, tufted, stemless. Root thick and fleshy,
sending forth numerous white fibres. Scapes solitary, one-
flowered, resembling the petioles, but shorter and slenderer,
slightly angular, channelled on one side. Leaves cordate,
rather acute, equally crenate, glabrous, or slightly pubescent,
dark green above, rather paler beneath, wrinkled and
veiny, about two inches long, cucullate at the base, with
involute crenated lobes. Footstalks 6 or 6 inches long,
almost filiform, channelled above, pale green, streaked and
spotted with purple. Sepals ovate-oblong, rather blunt, 3
or 5-nerved, glabrous, shortly produced at the base, of a
hvid hue, with a narrow, membranous, w'hite, ciliated border,
the outer pair broader. Petals 5, broadly obovate, of a dark
blue, with deeper coloured veins, the two lateral ones white
and streaked at the base of the lamina, and furnished just
above the claws with a copious white beard composed of
erect, club-shaped hairs; lower one rather wedge-shaped.