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MORÀA tricuspis ; var. ocellata.
Trident-bearing Morera.
Linnean Class and Order. T R IA N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
N a tu ra l Order. IR ID E iE . Brown prodr. I . p. 302.
M O R JE A . Perianthium profundé 6-partituni, petaloideum : segmentis-
inmqualibus : tubo nullo. Filamenta connata. Antherae adpress®. S tig mata
3, petaloidea, bilabiata, fissa. Capsula obtusè prismatica, membranacea.
Semina subrotunda.
P la n t» (plerumque capenses) elegantes. Rhizoma bulbo-tuber. Caulis
nunc indivisus. Eolia linearia, nervosa. Inflorescentia fasc iculata,
uniformis. Spa th a bivalvis, paueiflora.
M. tricuspis, barbata ; perianthii segmentis interioribus trifidis, stigmatuni
lobis in®quilateri-oblongis repando- crenatis, foliis glabris.
M or»a tricuspis. K e r in bot. mag. t. 696. Dryand. in hort. hew. ed.
2. l .p . 111.
Vieusseuxia tricuspis. Spreng. syst. 1. p . 165.
V , aristata. Houtt. Lin n . p fl. syst. 11. p . 105. t. 80.
Iris tricuspis. Thunb. diss. p . 14. prodr. p. 11. f l . capeiis. 1. p. 289.
Jacq. coll. 4. p. 99. ic. rar. 2. f. 222. Willd. sp. pi. 1. p . 231. P e r soon
syn. 1. p . 52.
I . tricuspidata. Linn, suppl. p. 98.
/3. ocellata, fiore candido, lamink basi ooellaffi.
Vieusseuxia glaucopis. Decand. in ann. mus. 2. p . 141. Redoute liliac.
t. 42. Rcem. et Schult. syst. 1. p . 490.
V . aristata. Delaroeh. diss. n. 2. p . 34.
Iris tricuspis. Jacq. coll. 4. t. 9. J . 1.
I . pavonia. Curt. bot. mag. t. 168. (nec aliorum.)
Ferraria tricuspis. Willd. enum. 2. p . 691.
Tuber bulbiform, lateral, about the size of a filbert. Stem
erect, about a foot high, slender, round, flexuose, solid, glabrous,
geniculate, slightly striated, grass-green. Leaves, the
radical ones about twice the length of the stem, narrow,
linear, flat, ribbed and furrowed, of a glaucous green, attenuated
at both ends ; those of the stem, about 3, the two
upper ones but partially developed, the lowest one longer
than the stem, channelled, convolute at the base, ribbed beneath.
Sheaths entire, the upper ones terminating in a
bristle-shaped point. Spathes 2-valved, convolute, slightly
ventricose, with a scariose border, finely striated, bristle-
pointed, the lower one shorter. Peduncles compressed,
about an inch and a half long. Perianthium deeply parted
into 6 segments, the 3 outer ones broadly cuneate, entire
and even at the edge, ground pure white, streaked with
purple especially beneath, furnished just above the claw
with a broad round azure spot, having an irregularly lobed
violet border, the claws cuneate, lined with purple spots,
and copiously bearded with yellow hairs; 3 inner ones
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