Tooth-kaved Chcetanthera.
ClassSp Order. S Y N G E N E S IA P O L Y G A M IA S U P E R F L U A
Naturai Order. C O M P O S IT A . A d a n s ./am . 2. p. 10.3.
Fam. I I . L a b i a t i f l o r a : . Don in Linn. trans. 16. p. 184.
C H J E T A N T H E R A . Lmoluerum multiplici ordine polyphyllum, im-
bricatum. Receptaculum planum, glabrum. r a d ü plurimi, foeminei,
staminibus effmtis ; labio exteriora ligulato, tridenta to, subtùs sericeo-
villosissimo ; interiore tenuissimo, bidentato, spiraliter convoluto • disci
hermaphroditi, tubolosi, bilabiati; Uibiis submqualibus. Antherarum setm
ramulos®. S ty h ramis in corollis radii connatis, clavatis, glabris ; in iis
disci spathulatis recurvato-patentibus, extùs minuté papillosis, superficie
stigmaticà mquilatà. Achenia lineari-oblonga, compresso-tetragona, trun-
cata, papilloso-micantia. P appus pilosus, persistens : radiis copiosis, d u plici
ordine digestís, scabris, imà basi conferruminatis.
Herb® (Chilenses) plerumque caukscentes, capitulis solitariis maquis
radiatis, Jloribm scepiùs aureis.
•* Involucri squamis simplicibus, adpressè imbricatis. Plantee su ffruti-
cosee, ctespUoscB, caulibusunifioris, fo liis cuneatis dentato-spinulosis, floribus
aureu. P re se lla . ^
C. serrata, foliis lineari-cuneatis apice serratis, involucri squamis lanceo-
pappo subsetaceo. D . Don. in P h il. Mag. Ma y , 1832.
Ch®tanthera serrata. R u iz et Pavon syst. veg.flor. peruv. et cidi. 1. p. 191
C. chilensis. Dee. in a n y mus. 19. p . 70. t. S . f . 8. Lag. amen. nat. l .p . 3 8 .
Perdicium chilense. Willd. sp .p l. 3, p . 2118.
Pre sella serrata. Don. in L in n . trans. 16. p . 235.
/ - éy JSyctfW-ay .Aiòpnt'33.
Plant perennial, tufted, dividing into many short leafy
branches, evergreen, and somewhat suffruticose, thickly
clothed with adpressed silky hairs. Stems many, decumbent,
nliiorm, vviry, from 2 to 3 inches long, of a purplish colour,
rather naked below, but furnished at the top with many
bracteal leaves. Leaves narrow, linear-cuneiform, channelled,
varying from half an inch to two inches long, and armed at
the apex with numerous, short, hard, conical, spinous teeth.
LootsMks short, broad and imbricated at the base. Capitula
terminal, solitary, in the early state ovate. Scales of the in-
volmrum imbricate, oblong, mucronate, becoming brown
and apparently withered at the apex. Receptacle flat, pitted
and glabrous. Florets of the ray, from 15 to 20, disposed in
a double, or triple order, oblong-elliptical, sharply 3-toothed,
recurved and spreading, half an inch long, of a brilliant yellow,
and slightly rugose above, purplish beneath, and clothed