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PHLÓX stolonifera; var. crassifolia.
Fleshy-leaved creeping Phlox.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDR IA MONOGYNIA.
N a tu ra l Order. P 0L EM 0N IA C E 7E , D . Don in edinb. phil. journ.
1822. p. 56.
P H L O X . Suprà fol. 7.
P. stolonifera, stolonibus repentibus, foliis spathulato-obovatis. Sims in bot.
mag. t. 563. A it, hort. kew. ed. 2. v. i . p . 326. Pursh f . amer. 1.
p . 150.
P. reptans. Mich. amer. 1. p. 145. Vent. malm. t. 107. Roem. et Schult.
syst. 4. p. 362. Spreng. syst. \ . p . 624.
ß. crassifolia, major ; foiiis crassioribus, floribus saturatiùs coloratis.
Phlox crassifolia. Lodd. bot. cab. t. 1596.
Plant creeping. Shoots procumbent, filiform, pale purple,
clothed with soft jointed hairs, 3 inches long. Flowering stems
erect, 4 inches high, filiform, clothed with soft hairs. Leaves
stalked, broadly spathulate, mucronulate, an inch long, half
an inch wide, flat, rather succulent, margin and midrib
fringed with soft hairs; those of the stem oblong, blunt,
faintly 3-nerved. Footstalks channelled, fringed. Corymbs
few-flowered. Peduncles filiform, half an inch long, copiously
clothed with glandular hairs. Calyx as long as the peduncles,
deeply 5-partite, the segments lanceolate, acuminate, erect,
connivent, the border narrow, scariose and white. Corolla
salver-shaped, tube dark purple, twice the length of the
calyx, sparingly clothed with glandular hairs ; limb spreading,
purple, with plain, rounded, slightly crenulate segments.
Stamens 5, inclosed, very unequal. Filaments slender,
capillary, glabrous, white, adherent to the tube. Anthers
oblong, obtuse, orange, incumbent, with two parallel, connate
cells, opening lengthways. Ovarium triangular, acute,
3-celled, cells one-seeded. Style capillary, the apex project-
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