DIÁNTHUS Liban¿tis.
Lebanon Pink.
Linnean Class and Order. D E C A N D R IA D IG Y N IA .
Natural Order. C A R Y O P H Y L L E iE . Juss. gen. p . 299.
D IA N T H U S . Calyx tubulosus, 5-dentatus, basi squamis bracteola-
tus. P e ia fa 5, unguiculata, exappendiculata. S tam in aW . S ty li 2. Capsula
teres, 1-locularis, apice dentibus 4 v. 5 dehiscens. Semina compressa.
Embryo rectus, subfoliaceus.
Herb® v. suffrutices (plerumque Europ® australis.) Folia scepiùs angusta.
Flores terminales, aggregati, a u t solitarii. D . Don Mss.
D . Libanotis, bracteis indefinitis imbricatis squarrosis, dentibus calycinis
subulatis, petalis multifidis barbatis : unguibus antice carinatis.
Dianthns L ibanotis. Labili, p i. s y r .l . p .lA . t.6 . Decand. prodr. l . p . 365.
L in d l, in bot. reg. t. 1548. G. Don. gen. syst. gard. and bot. 1. p. 396.
Herb glaucous. Stem erect, much branched, the joints
thickened. Leaves linear, mucronate, channelled, recurved,
and spreading, the margins blunt and smooth, but broadly
membranous towards the base. Calyx tubular, striated, 2
inches long, with 5 upright, sharp-pointed, membranous
teeth. Bractes from 4 to 7, lanceolate, mucronate, recurved,
and spreading, an inch long, with broad, membranous, imbrb
cate bases. Petals with long linear claws, having an elevated
keel, of a greenish white, the lamina cuneate, pubescent
above, divided in innumerable very narrow segments; the
ground white, marked above with small irregular purple
spots. Pilaments awl-shaped, white. Anthers incumbent
with parallel cells. Styles semi-cylindrical, rather shorter thaii
the stamens, attenuated upwards. Stigmas erect, twisted,
bearded along the inner surface. Ovarium about half an inch
long, pale green, with a free, central, fleshy placenta. Ovula
arranged in 2 compact rows.
This rare and very distinct species was discovered on the
lofty mountains of Lebanon, by Labillardiére, who has given
a very faithful representation of it in his Leones Plantarum
Syria Rariorum. The number, size, and form of the bractes
essentially distinguish it from every other species. ’