ifìf J yhziffUYUf /âg diPUMU¿¿íf Q)¿Ay/. !¿3 3 ._
GÍLIA aggregata.
Tufted-flowered Gilia.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA
N a tu ra l Order. P O L E M O N IA C E ^ . I>. D o n in edmb. p k r n .
1822. p . 56. •'
. Calyx tubulosus, 5-fidus, membranaceus. Corolla iufundibuhtormis,
limbo 5-loba : laciniis smpiùs obovatis, iutegris. Stamina fauci
luserta, rarò iuclusa. Antherce obloug®, erect®. Capsulm loculis poly-
spermis. Semina angulata. R adicala cotyledonibus brevior.
H erb® (American®) annual. Folia plerumque alterna, pinnatifida.
t io i e s p edunculati, subsolitarii v. fasc iculati.
G. aggregata, foliis pinnatisectis : segmentis linearibus mucronatis, floribus
fasciculato-paniculatis, coroll® tubo calyce 5-plò longiori; laciniis
ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis canaliculatis.
Gilia aggregata. D . Don in edinb. p h u rn . 1822.
G . pulchella. B ougl. Mss. Bentham in bot. reg. fo l. 1622. ad calcem.
Cantua aggregata. P u r s h fl. amer, septentr. I . p . \A1. [affirmante exem-
plarto archetypo in Herb. Lamb.]
Ipomopsis elegans. L in d i, in bot. reg. 1 .1281.
Root fibrous, biennial. Stem erect, rising to the height of
3 feet, with stiff filiform branches, copiously clothed with
short glandular pubescence, intermixed with long, jointed,
spreading hairs, hoary, especially in native samples. Leaves
alternate, spreading, somewhat recurved, deeply pinnatifid,
occasionally undivided and lanceolate; segments linear, with
a rather broad, convex midrib, terminated by a cartilaginous
point ; the terminal one considerably longer. Flowers copious,
fasciculate, often disposed in a diffuse panicle. Peduncles
rounded, minutely glandular. Bractes subulate, pointed,
recurved, longer than the peduncles. Calyx campanulate,
5-cIeft, 5-ribbed, with the interstices finely membranous ;
segments awl-shaped, pointed, erect, furnished at the base
with a broad, scariose margin. Corolla funnel-shaped, glandular,
carmine ; tube narrow, an inch long, five-sided ; the
limb 5-cleft, shorter than the tube ; segments ovate-lanceolate,
acuminate, recurved and spreading, concave, with inI