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RHODODENDRON campanulatiim.
Bell-flowered Rose Bay.
Linnean Class and Order. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. ERICACEÆ. Trib. 2. R h o d o r eæ .
R H O D O D E N D R O N . Suprà fol. 10.
R . eampanulatum, decandrum ; foliis perennantibus elliptico-oblongis mucronatis
subtils ferrugineis basi suboordatis, corollâ campanulatâ : lobis
planis emarginatis, ovariis 6-locularibus glabris.
Rhododendron eampanulatum. D . Don in mem. loern. soc. 3. p . 410. prodr.
f l . nepal. p .\6 Z . Lodd. bot. eab. t. 1944. Wall, catal. n .lhQ .
A small evergreen tree, of from 3 to 5 feet high, with
spreading branches. Stem about an inch in diameter, clothed
with a deciduous brown bark. Branches round, stiff, the
younger ones of a dull red, and glabrous. Leaves stalked,
oblong, elliptical, coriaceous, cartilaginous and recurved at
the edges, rounded at both ends, the base slightly cordate,
from the edges being folded back, terminated by a callous,
obtuse gland, dark green, smooth and reticulated above, the
underside copiously clothed with very short, scaly pubescence,
at first of a purplish hue, afterwards changing to nearly
white, and finally to a deep ferruginous brown, from 2 to 4
inches long, an inch to 2 inches broad ; midrib pale-green.
Footstalks ahout an inch long, rather thicker than a crow-quill,
round, glabrous, of a dull red, and much wrinkled, marked
above with a narrow furrow. Flowers copious, from 10 to 14
in a corymbose cluster. Peduncles straight, glabrous, nearly
cylindrical, of a pale green, stained witlipurple, slightly angular,
and 5-lobed at the top, an inch or more in length. Bractes
oblong, acuminate, concave, copiously fringed, caducous,
pale green. _ Corolla large, bell-shaped, pale-pink, changing
to white, 2 inches across, with 5 broad, rounded, notched,
even lobes, with the edges rather incurved ; the upper one
marked on the inside with irregular purple spots. Stamens
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