DIAPENSIA lapponica.
Lapland Diapensia.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
N a tu ra l Order, P O L E M O N IA C E iE .
D I A P E N S IA . Calyx 5-partitus, coriaceus, basi tribracteatus. Corolla
hypocrateriformis ; tubo brevi, ampliore : limbo piano, 5-fido. Stamina
5, sinubus corollæ inserta, subsessilia. Antheræ lineares, obtusæ, biloculares,
basi insert®, longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Stigma obsole ti trilobum.
Capsula 3-locularis, polysperma.
Herb® (borealis,) coespitosa, sempervirens. F o lia alterna, ad radicem
conforta, coriacea, integerrima. P ed u n cu li scapiformes, solitarii, nniflori.
Obs. Genus P h lo g i affine, sed abundé differt corollâ breviore, stigmatis
lobis concretis, capsul® loculis polyspermis, foliis alternis, et inflorescentiâ.
D . Don Mss.
D . lapponica, foliis lineari-spathulatis coriaceis glabris margine callosis
subrevolutis, pedúnculo snbunifloro erecto, staminibus muticis.
Diapensia lapponica. L in n .j i . lappon. n. 88. t. l . f . !■ f l . suec. ed. 1755.
m. 169. sp. ed. 1 7 6 2 .1 . p . 202. O e d .fl. d a n .t. 41. Lam. ill. t. 402.
Willd. sp. p i. 1. p . 795. Pers. synops. 1. p . 185. Sims in bot. mag.
t. 1108. A ito n hort. hew. ed. 2. vol. 1, p . 305. Nwttall gen. 1. 123.
R wm. et Schult. syst. veg. 4. p . 356. Bigelow flo ru l. boston, p . 83.
T o rr e y fl. o f the middle and northern sections o f United States, 1. p . 231.
W a hlenb.fl. lapp. no. 105, t. 9 . f l . suec. p . 122. Spreng. syst. veg. 1.
p . 623.
Diapensia obtusifolia. Salisb. parad, lond. t . l 0 4 . Pursh fl.a m e r .s e p t.1..
p . 147.
Stems short, cespitose. L.,eaves crowded, linear-spatliu-
late, glabrous, dark green above, paler below, avenous, coriaceous,
concave, and having membranous edges at the base,
towards the apex the edges are callous and slightly revolute.
Peduncles (1 inch long) terminal, generally single-flowered,
having at the apex 3 or 5 oblong, concave, adpressed bracteae,
gradually approaching the appearance of the calyx leafits.
Calyx 5-phyllous, leafits urabricated, obovato-spathulate,
emarginate, slightly keeled, the three outer the largest.
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