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GÍLIA coronopifolia.
Bucks-horn-leaved Gilia.
Linnean Class and Order. P EN T A N D R IA MONOGYNIA.
N a tu ra l Order. PO L EM O N IA C E .E . D. Don in edinb. phil. journ.
\8 2 2 .p . 56.
G IL IA . Supràfol. 218.
G. coronopifolia, foliis pinnatisectis : segmentis linearibus mucronatis, floribus
paniculatis, corollæ tubo calyce 5-plò longiori : laciniis ovatis acutis planis.
Gilia coronopifolia. Persoon synops. \. p . 187. Lindl. in bot. reg. t. 1691.
Ipomopsis elegans. Mich. amer. \ .p . 141. Smith exot. bot. \ . p . 23. t. 13.
Aiton hort. kew. ed. 2. v. l . p . 342.
Cantua coronopifolia. Willd. sp. p i. 2. p. 879. A ndr. bot. rep. t. 415.
Pursh. f l . amer. l .p . 147. E llio tt f l . carol, l .p . 260.
Polemonium rubrum. Linn. sp. p i. 1. p. 231.
Ipomoea rubra. Ejusd. syst. veg. p. 171.
Quamocbt pennatum erectum, floribus in tbyrsum dlgestis. D ill. elth. 2 .p .Z 2 l .
t. 241. f . 312. (bona.)
Boot fibrous, annual. Stem erect, cylindrical, branched,
4 or 5 feet high, copiously clothed, like the rest of the
plant, with glandular pubescence, ieawes alternate, stalked,
deeply pinnatifid, almost pinnate, with narrow, linear,
mucronate, entire, distant, channelled segments ; the terminal
one la rg e r; those towards the upper part of the stem
and bractes linear, mucronate, undivided, an inch or an
inch and a half long. Flowers copious, paniculate, less
crowded than in G. aggregata. Calyx campanulate, membranous,
the interstices scariose, with awl-shaped, spinously
pointed, erect segments, exceeding the tube in length.
Corolla funnel-shaped, copiously glandular outside, scarlet,
the tube 4 or 5 times longer than the calyx ; limb spreading
with 5 ovate, flat, abruptly pointed segments, marked above
with small irregular white spots. Filaments slender, capillary,
glabrous, red, adherent to the tube of the corolla nearly
as far as the sinus. Anthers incumbent, yellow, composed
2 A