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ADÉSMIA viscosa.
Clammy Adesmia.
Linnean Class and Order. D E C A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. L E G U M IN O S A i, Juss. gen. p . 346.
A D E SM IA . Supra fol. 222.
A . viscosa, fruticosa, inermis, glanduloso-viscosa ; foliolis multijugis cu-
neato-oblongis crenatis ! calycibus acuminatis, lomentis 4-6-articulatis
pubescentibus glandulosis.
Adesmia viscosa. Gill. Mss. Hook, and A rnott in bot. misc. 3. p . 192.
A slender, upright, branched, unarmed, clammy shrub,
rising to the height of 2 or 3 feet, studded with-numerous
tubercular shining glands, with filiform twiggy branches
Leaves copious, abruptly pinnate, on short footstalks, composed
of from 9 to 14 pair of cuneately-oblong, crenate, coriaceous,
nearly sessile leaflets, of a deep green colour, and
void of hairs, about 2 lines long. Stipules lanceolate, obtuse,
glandular, persistent. Racemes terminal, solitary, many-
flowered, erect. Pedicels about half an inch long, filiform,
straight, afterwards becoming bent, copiously glandular.
Bractes oblong, obtuse, concave, persistent. Calyx campanulate,
slightly pubescent, deciduous, with 5 lanceolate,
pointed, nearly equal teeth. Corolla papilionaceous, of the
colour of gamboge, larger than is ordinarily found in the genus
; vexillum broad, rounded-ovate, spreading, veiny, fringed
at the base ; wings somewhat dolabriform, rounded at
the top, semi-cordate, and naked at the base, of a rich yellow,
approaching to orange ; keel longer than the wings, hollow,
ventricose, blunt, and notched at the apex, the suture below
bursting with downy edges.. Stamens 10, five shorter than
the rest. Pilaments free, awl-shaped, white, smooth, broader,
and membranous towards the base. Anthers round, yellow.
Ovarium thickly clothed with adpressed hairs, % /e slender,
compressed, the upper half attenuated and silky, quite
smooth. ¿’/¿g’Wîfl compressed,, nearly orbicular, pruinose. Pod
composed of 4 or 6 semi-orbicular, compressed, one-seeded
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