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Rose-coloured Kidney-Vetch.
Linnean Class and Order. D IA D E L PH IA DECANDRIA.
N a tu ra l Order. L EG UM IN O SÆ . Juss. gen. p . 345.
A N T H Y L L I S . Calyx tubulosus 5-dentatus post anthesm persistens, plùs
minùsve vesicarius inflatus. Corollæ alæ et carina vexillo subæquales.
l am in a omnia connexa. Legumen ovatum 1-2-spermum, rariùs oblongo-
lineare polyspermum semper calyce induriato tectum.
Herbæ aut Frútices habitu vario. Decand. prodr. 2. p. 168.
« Capitulis bracteatis, calycibus defloratis inflatis, leguminibus \-2-spermis
calyce inclusis, fo liis impari-pinnatis. Vulneraria.
A. Webbiana, herbácea, sericeo-argentea ; foliolis ellipticis acutis subæqualibus,
bracteis palmatis.
Anthyllis Webbiana. Hooker in hot. mag. t, 3284.
Plant pei-ennial, cespitose, densely clothed with adpressed
silky hairs. Stems many, prostrate, filiform, branched, a
span long. Leaves impari-pinnate. Leaflets elliptical-
oblong, pointed, rather fleshy, copiously silky, on a short,
partial stalk, mostly opposite; the terminal one rather
larger. Racemes capitate, nearly sessile. Heads round,
many-flowered. Bractes palmate, with ovate mucronulate
lobes. Calyx inflated, thin, membranous, white, densely
hairy, with a dull purple border; the lower lip of 3 ovate-
lanceolate, acuminate, spreading, somewhat feathery teeth,
the upper one broad, concave, cloven with shorter connivent
teeth. Corolla rose-coloured. Petals 5, with connate claws.
Vexillum oval, glabrous, notched, the margins revolute.
Wings adpressed, glabrous, with a callous tooth at the hase.
Keel much shorter than the wings, white, with a dark-red,
truncate, glossy apex. Stamens 10, monadelphous. Filaments
glabrous, those of the longer stamens clavate, of the
shorter furnished with a hollow cup-shaped apex. Anthers