c a l c e o l a r ia crenatiflòra;
var. knypersliensis.
Knypersley Slipperwort.
Linnean Class and Ordeì'. D IA N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. S C R O P H U L A R IN iE .
C A L C E O L A R L A . Suprà fol. 220.
C. crenatiflora, herbácea, perennis ; foliis ovato-oblongis rugosis hirsutis
grosse dentatis, floribus corymbosis, laciniis calycinis latè ovatis ovario-
que glandulosis, corollæ labio inferiore subrotundo inflato crenato.
Calceolaria crenatiflora. Cavan, ic. 5. p . 28. t. 440. Hooker in bot. mag. t.
3255. Lin d l. in bot. reg. t. 1609.
C. anomala. Persoon syn. 1. p . 16.
C. p endula. Sweet suprà fo l. 155.
ß . knypersliensis, corollæ labio inferiore anticè toto ferè fulvo-purpureo.
Stem about a span high, filiform, clothed with glandular
pubescence, ietzweibroadly ovate-oblong, spreading, stalked,
attenuated at the base, veiny and wrinkled, about a span
long, 3 or 4 inches broad, coarsely and unequally toothed,
hairy on both sides, ribbed and paler below. Flowers copious,
corymbose. jBracZes ovate-oblong, acute, entire. Pedicels
filiform, an inch or an inch and a half long, copiously
glandular, as well as the calyx, which has 4 broadly ovate,
slightly acute segments. Corolla of a bright yellow ; lower
lip large, orbicular, with 3 or 5 indentations, having a large
patch of a chocolate brown; upper lip short, helmet-shaped,
truncate with a brown border, folded over at the edges; mouth
also of a chocolate brown. Filaments very short, stout, glabrous,
white. Anthers cream-coloured. Ovarium short, conical,
green, copiously glandular. Style about the length of
the ovarium, compressed, glabrous. Stigma truncate.