/ /Ì04.
ALONSO A linearis.
Linear-leaved Alonsoa.
Linnean Class and Order. D ID Y N A M IA A N G IO S P E R M IA .
Natural Order. S C R O P H U L A R IN iE . Brown p ro d r .1. p . 433.
A LO N SO A . Calyx 5-partitus, aequalis, aestivatione valvatà. Corolla
subrotata, 5-fida, irregularis, resupinata, aestivatione imbricatà ; lacinia supremà
majore. Stamina A, didynama, declinata : filamenta teretia, glabra :
antherx approximatae, cordatae, biloculares : loculis apice confluentibus,
suturà continuà dehiscentibus. Sty lu s filiformis, declinatus. Stigma capi-
tatum. Capsula membranacea, bilocularis, apice dehiscens, polysperma :
valvulis apice bifidis. Bissepimentum e capsulae valvularum marginibus
introflexis constitutum, contrarium. Placentce 2, oblong®, fungosae, pro-
cessibus elevatis undique ornat®. Semina angulata, scabra.
Plant® (peruvian®) humiles, caule nunc suffruticoso. Folia opposita,
Flores solitarii, pedunculati, in ramulorum apice racemosi, unibracteati.
Corolla coccinea.
A. linearis, foliis linearibus integerrimis dentatisve.
Alonsoa linearis. R u iz et Pavon syst. 1. p . 154. f i . peruv. et chil. v. 5. treed.
t. 603. f . b. B rown in hort. kew. 4. p. 27.
Celsia linearis. Jacq. coll. 2. p . 270. ic. 3. t. 497. Curt. bot. mag. t. 210.
Hemimeris coccinea. Willd. sp. pi. 3. p . 283. Persoon syn. 2. p . 162.
A dwarf, bushy, suffruticose plant, of a span or a foot
high. Bt'anches square, purple, perfectly glabrous, stiff and
fragile. Leaves opposite, or in threes, mostly fasciculate,
from the non-evolution of the axillary shoots, narrow, linear,
pointed, or subulate, channelled above, of a dull green, an
inch, or an inch and a half long, the points purple ; lower
ones longer and broader, and occasionally furnished with minute
distant teeth ; upper ones and those of the branchlets
subulate, and quite entire. Racemes terminal, erect, few-
flowered. Bractes subulate, entire. Peduncles longer than
the bractes, quadrangular, half an inch long, copiously
clothed with glandular pubescence. Calyx glandular, deeply
parted into 5 lanceolate, acute segments, valvate in ajstiva-
tion, the two upper ones rather broader. Corolla obliquely
rotate, irregular, 5-lobed, lobes rounded, reniform, entire,
the lower ones very small, sparingly glandular outside, scarlet,
dark-red at the base. Stamens 4, inserted at the base of
the tube, slightly declinate. Filaments stout, rounded, glabrous,
pale yellow. Anthers cordate-oblong, obtuse, of a
rich yellow, longer than the filaments, the cells confluent at
the top, opening by a continous fissure. Ovarium ovate-oblong,
bilocular. Style declinate, filiform, glabrous, double